This is a powerful grouping mechanism which allows you to set a number of divisions at either an event level OR at a Payment Category level. 

Sub Categories have optional restrictions (minimum age, maximum age, and gender) which, if used, ensure that participants choose the correct Sub Category. Because Sub Categories can be limited to certain payment categories, you can now determine which Sub Categories or age groups are displayed for certain participants. Sub Categories can also be limited by a number of entries which makes them very useful for start groups in mass participation events.

First of all, choose if you wish to use Sub-Categories, and then set the label name for what they are called.
You can also link the Sub Category to an Event Category. So based on what they choose for Event Category, the Sub Category options will be filtered.

Then you can add your first Sub Category. Please try and keep the details added to a minimum as this will allow more flexibility later.

You can simply type a name and then save the details, however you can also add more information.

‌• Description - this is a longer text description for the category, which can be viewed by the participant if they click the "i" icon next to the sub category.

Event Category - this select is shown if it is to be linked to an Event Category.

‌• Sort Order - this sorts the items when they are displayed.

The ADVANCED DETAILS section allows you to set more details if required.

‌• Minimum / Maximum Age - this allows a certain age restriction for the sub category.

‌• Gender - you can choose to only allow 1 gender for the sub category selection.

‌• Open From / Open To Dates - can be used here, but avoid if possible. Use Pricing Periods instead.

‌• Maximum Participants - use this if there is a maximum quantity of people for the category.
‌• Sold Out - do not tick the box. Only tick the box if the category is full, the system sets this automatically.

‌• Available To - there are 5 options to define who the category is shown to. This is a powerful tool to set who the category is shown to, especially individuals and teams.

• NEW FEATURE ⚡ - Membership validation is now available on the sub category level.  The benefit being that you can use this function to validate or qualify specific participants against other events, membership lists or membership number. Simply select yes to display the validation types available, then choose your preferred option. 

Fill out the various details as applicable and then click the Add / Save button.

◦  you can then edit the details once added.

By default, do not click the 'Sold Out' box. The system will automatically tick the sold out box when the Maximum Participants count is reached.