The Award Categories tab allows for a 3rd level of categories, and is used in many sports events for award purposes or timing software, where there needs to be a consistent format across all categories. (For the new update on membership validation on a category level scroll down to the advanced details).
The Award Category section comes with the same functionality as the other categories including age and gender filtering and you can also link the award categories to either the existing Event level, Payment Category level or Sub-Category level.
As an example, you may have Payment Categories set at $25 for Adult and $15 for Child. Then have the Sub-Categories set for a distance of 10km or 5km. Then have the Award Categories set as the age groups of Under 18, 18-29 and 30+. You can see how this would appear to the participants below.
To setup the Award Categories, select 'Yes' and then add the Award Category Label.
◦ you can also link the Award Categories to either the Event Categories or Sub Categories.
Then you can add your first Award Category. You can simply type a name and then save the details, however you can also add more information.
• Description - this is a longer text description for the Award Category.
• Sub Category - can be linked to a Sub Category if that option is selected.
• Minimum / Maximum Age - to restrict to a certain age of the person.
• Gender - only allow the award category to be shown to 1 gender for the category choice.
• Sort Order - this sorts the items when they are displayed.
The ADVANCED DETAILS section allows you to set more details if required.
• Available To - there are 5 options to define who the category is shown to. This is a powerful tool to set who the category is shown to, especially individuals and teams.
• Code - this is a special code you might use for timing or award purposes and is included in the data downloads.
NEW FEATURE⚡ - Membership validation is now available at the award level. The benefit being that you can use this function to validate or qualify participants against other events, membership lists or membership number. Simply select yes to display the validation types available, then choose your preferred option.