Pricing Age Brackets are used when you wish to apply a different price to the 1 category based on the persons age.
eg. Entry is $30 for an Adult and $20 for a child.
When you add the first age bracket, two brackets will actually be added automatically.
If you add in a third age bracket it will be inserted between the first and the last age bracket.
The minimum age is automatically set for every Age Bracket based on existing data. Please type the name of the Age Bracket and the Maximum Age.
If you experience an error - please check you have set the "Age Calculation Date" on the "Event Details" tab.
If you wish to add more age brackets, then it will be inserted in between the first two.
This allows you to set three prices for the one Event Category based on the age of the person.
When you go to the "Event Prices" tab you will be able to set the 3 different prices based on age.