Registrants can view their personal details within Register Now and view current / past events registered for.

Login to Register Now

If you have an existing account with Register Now, you can use this to login or click "Need Help" to retrieve your username / password details. 

Both username / password are case sensitive.

If you do not have a login to our system, click the "CREATE USER ACCOUNT" link to create new user details. 

If you want to connect your social media accounts to make it easier to login in future, then following the steps on this page

How do I link to my Facebook / Google / Strava?

If you try to login using a Social Media account that hasn’t been linked to a User Account, you’ll be prompted to create a User Account but then you’ll be able to login to Register Now using that social media account in future.

The Login Screen

If you haven’t connected your Social Media accounts yet, you’ll need to login or create a Register Now account first.

To create a new User account, just fill out the details (see screenshot below)