Whilst the process of moving a participant from one event to another is easy, there area few extra steps you need to take to ensure the accuracy of data as the event draws near.

Firstly, if you have Groups turned on for your event and the Participant is part of a Group, you will need to remove them from the Group (because the Group exists on the original event only) - once moved they can be attached to a new Group.

Down the bottom of the Participant Summary page is an orange "Change Event" button. Clicking on this initiates the process and allows you to move the participant from their current event to any other event you have open.

Once you have followed the prompts to complete the move, your participant will be in their "new event".
Note: The Participant ID will remain the same.

You will be prompted to adjust the participants Event Pack Option through the Change Event process and will be asked if you wish to remove the participants Race Number. 

It's important to then edit several other sections.

Firstly, you will be reminded to update their category selection when changing the event and can edit their Category selection, as per the image below.
IMPORTANT: Even though it may appear like they are in the correct distance, this is actually still linked to their original registration. The best analogy to consider here is like a sports star being traded to a new team - he still needs a new uniform. Updating the category selection is like assigning a new uniform. Simple click on edit and follow the prompts. 

Now your participant is officially in the new event. The above will make life much easier when it comes to assigning race numbers and sending e-Tickets etc.

If your registration form has Teams, then you can follow the above steps by moving ANY Team Member from the original event to the "new" event. The only update you then need to do is edit the Team Details and save the new category selection.