Goods and services tax (GST) is defined by the Australian Taxation Office as a broad-based tax of 10% on most goods, services and other items sold or consumed in Australia.
The NZ Government website defines GST as tax on goods and services that is usually charged at 15%.
All prices entered into Register Now should be entered and considered as GST inclusive. This is of course if the event organiser is registered for GST and if the charge is subject to GST (i.e. Donations are GST exempt).
It's important to note that this does vary from organiser to organiser as we have a wide variety of users of the system.
Our standard-issued payment confirmation email includes the wording "Payment amount includes 10% GST (if applicable)" to ensure this is clear to anyone that makes a purchase through the system.
You may note that when Register Now releases funds to you via EFT and issues an invoice, that Register Now's Booking Fee is GST exclusive. This is shown separately on invoices as you can see the total charges/ fees applicable and then a separate line outlining the amount of GST charged for the Booking Fee specific charge line.