Triathlon Australia Memberships are widely used across many of our clients and are typically used as a way to verify that participants don't need to pay for a Day License. 

We now have a fancy little integration set up that enables event organisers to link the Triathlon Australia Members list which pulls through directly from the source! This means that all data is live and once a member registers via TA and they have been allocated a membership number, they will be able to register for your event using that new or renewed membership. 

To link the Triathlon Australia Members List validation to your registration form to verify as a day license, please follow the steps below:

  1. Check to ensure your forms 'Form Type' (found on the 'event Details' tab when creating/editing an event) is listed as 'Sports Event Registrations' and that the 'Sport' is then listed as either 'Triathlon' or 'Duathlon' (depending on what's most relevant).
  2. Click 'Day Licenses' (found on right-hand side menu), click 'Yes' to the question "Does your event require a day licence charge to be applied if the Participant is not a member of a national/state level association?" and add in your 'Day License Question Label'.
    A commonly used day license question label is "Is the participant an annual Triathlon Australia member? If so, please list number with the format TAXXXX. Please ensure name & DOB matches your TA Membership details."

  3. Set a minimum age (if required).

  4. Click the "Check member against membership list" validation type and click either the '1054 - Triathlon Australia Members (Current)' membership list option if a Triathlon OR '1055 - Triathlon Australia Members (Current)' membership list option if a Duathlon.
    Note: The validation options will be pre-selected for you. None of these can be disabled as the integration needs to check all of these details to ensure the TA members details are correct in the system.
  5. Once selected, click 'Next' at the bottom of the screen and use a valid TA members details to test the validation set up on your form.  


This process is essentially the same to validate against the Triathlon Australia Members list for Membership Pricing. 

To set it up, click on 'Pricing Membership' on the right-hand side menu > click 'Yes' > add in your Membership Pricing Section and Question Labels > follow steps 4 and 5 to complete the link to the list.


This process is essentially the same to validate against the Triathlon Australia Members list for Membership Discounts. 

To set it up, click on 'Membership Discount' on the right-hand side menu > add in your Discount Amount/ Percentage > set who the discount applies to > add in a Charge Description and Membership Question > Click the "Check member against membership list" validation type and click either the '1054 - Triathlon Australia Members (Current)' membership list option if a Triathlon OR '1055 - Triathlon Australia Members (Current)' membership list option if a Duathlon > Click 'Add' to complete the link to the list. 


The Triathlon Australia Members list cannot be linked to and event category for validating members. 

If you need this set up, please contact us directly and we will assist you further.